If you would like to share your own story about how you earn money in retirement, get in touch via our contact form.

Jo Mckee


In today’s world there is increasing opportunity to earn money quickly, yet many people haven’t been able to take advantage of developments because they are already committed to employment that takes up the majority of their time. They feel that retraining is difficult, but with the day-to-day cost of living, they haven’t been able to provide as well as they would like to for retirement. But as people near retirement age, this can cause anxiety as they may feel they don’t have enough of a “nest egg”.

Priorities are different too, as people live longer and often want to get involved in something that lets them learn new skills, contribute to their community, and keep their minds engaged … the idea of 20 years of golf might be appealing to some, but to others that’s a nightmare!

Earn Money in Retirement was created when founder Jo McKee was inspired by her own mom, who at 73 still looks after a handful of bookkeeping clients. This allows her mom to live on a part-pension but easily cover the costs of running her apartment that’s located in a beautiful, sprawling landscaped area right across from the ocean. It means she can stay in her own home, with views of the meandering swimming pool and the afternoon sun that pours right into her
bedroom on a winter afternoon.

Whether you’re planning for retirement or already enjoying a little more leisure time, we hope the ideas on this site will inspire you.

We’re not financial advisors and do not provide financial advice. We recommend you get professional advice when considering how any income will affect your financial position.

If you would like to share your own story about how you earn money in retirement, get in touch via our contact form. We’d love to feature you to help inspire others!

We want the best for those reaching retirement

Why are we doing this?

Because we care about those reaching retirement age. We’ve worked with a lot of businesses in the past and a lot of these businesses had retirement-aged clients who clearly just wanted to get back-in-touch with the drive and passion they had once before.

So? We thought we’d create something different. Something special – made entirely for retirement-aged individuals to finally create some financial and lifestyle freedom – even after they think it’s all over.

Because we understand that life shouldn’t end when you retire. In fact, it’s only just the beginning…

We want you to enjoy a free and secure retirement

We want you to enjoy a free and secure retirement…

Where you can take the reigns of your own life, don’t have to worry about anything holding you back, and can make this new chapter in life one of your greatest yet.