Retirees: how to turn a love of fishing into cash in hand

by | May 8, 2023

When it comes to retirement, one of the best things you can do for your overall health is to stay in tune with what you enjoy, partaking in hobbies, getting some fresh air, and giving yourself the kind of purpose that keeps you going. 

And fishing is not just a fun hobby that all generations enjoy, but it’s also great for your health too. It can offer a variety of physical and mental benefits, and is a great way to ensure health and fitness is a priority in your later years. 

But did you know you can turn your love of fishing into cash in hand? While it won’t supplement your entire income, it’s a good way to capitalize on a skill and passion that you’re already doing – so you can make the most of your retirement. 

Why fishing in retirement is good for you

Regularly participating in a calm, outdoors activity that stimulates your mind, body and soul is a great way to turn your later years into a really rewarding experience. But the benefits of fishing in retirement are many… 

  • Fishing is good for your mental health

We’ve touched on it a lot before, but planning how to spend your free time in retirement is key to ensuring emotional well-being in your second chapter of life. And this is particularly true for men, who can be more prone to depression and anxiety when retiring, and notably when “continuously” retired

And going fishing regularly can help in this respect. 

Research has found that:

The calming motion of casting the rod back and forth, as well as the peaceful, natural surroundings that come with fishing, also offer a unique, natural therapy that can make a real difference in the lives of retirees. 

  • Fishing works your core muscles and stamina

While fishing itself isn’t the kind of strenuous exercise that’ll get your heart rate up or is thought of as a good workout, there is a decent amount of physical activity involved. And, better yet for retirees, this level of physical activity is easy, calm, and you’ll barely notice you’re doing it. 

You may have to paddle, bike or hike to reach the best fishing spots and this is proven to have cardiovascular benefits. Active fishing such as wading will significantly work your core and legs, as well as your heart, building overall strength and stamina in the process. And even fishing while standing will work your core muscles and your balance. Which is pretty crucial considering falls are some of the biggest fears of retirement-aged individuals, and this can be really beneficial in slowly building your stability. 

Of course, spending time outside is also good for your body and your brain, giving you plenty of vitamin D which leads to better moods and a smoother aging process. 

Turns out fly fishing may also help women with breast cancer recover too! It promotes soft tissue stretching and resembles exercises prescribed after surgery or radiation. And groups like Casting for Recovery combine breast cancer education with the sport as a form of therapy, support and exercise. 

  • Fish is a really healthy form of nutrition

The benefits of bringing a piece of fish home outweigh the general pride of soaking up the fruits of your labor. Fish is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, which is super good for heart health and can reduce the risk of heart disease and decrease blood pressure. It’s also been noted to aid your eyesight, reduce the risk of asthma, protect your skin from UV rays (which is pretty handy considering you have to be out in the sun to enjoy this treat!) and lower your chances of rheumatoid arthritis. 

How to make money in retirement from fishing

While the benefits of fishing in retirement are already enough, the best part about developing a love of fishing is the cash in hand you can make on the side. There are a number of different ways to capitalize off your passion for fishing, and we’ve taken a deep dive into all things fishing for cash. 

  1. Make fishing lures for profit

If you're already in the habit of making your own fishing flies or lures, you can easily sell these for some extra cash in retirement

You’d be surprised by how many people make profit from selling artificial flies and lures! Fishermen are always looking for an “edge” to help them bag the “big one” – and the advantage of this side hustle is that the startup cost is very low.

Plus, it can be a really therapeutic experience that’s easy on retirement-aged individuals to complete. And if you can tie flies that can lure trout specifically, you should definitely consider this one. 

It’s a great way to get some extra cash in hand, and may even just be a good way to fund something you’re ALREADY doing on a regular basis. 

  1. Become a bass fishing guide

If you’re a pretty experienced fisherman and have an idea of where bass hide, you can actually act as a guide for those wanting to go after them. This could either be in your own boat, on a rented one, or you could even make your own map that you could sell for very cheap and requires little effort. 

Obviously, if you’re the sort of person who wants to keep the secrets for yourself, we don’t recommend this one. But it’s a great way to give back to your community and leave a legacy – in the form of bass fishing!

  1. Enter contests and competitions

Competitions and contests can be a great way to win cash prizes or equipment from fishingin retirement

If you’ve got a pretty good fishing skill and are the competitive type, there’s a number of fishing contests and competitions that offer cash prizes or sporting goods. Not inerested in the prize itself? Don’t worry, you sell them off for a bit of extra cash in hand!

Check local news and sporting shops in your areas – and also online. You’ll find that national competitions will offer a bigger prize pool, but can warrant a number of travel costs that may not make it worth it. Just keep an eye out for how you can turn this beneficial hobby into a prize (and legacy!) winning passion. 

  1. Start a fish and pay or catch and release business

Have your own property with a lake or two? You could consider stocking them with fish and using your space as a leisure area for people to catch fish. You can then charge a set price for their catch depending on the weight, or you could charge for the day and set up a strict catch and release set up, to ensure you don’t have to continue stocking. 

Be sure to check with your local authorities for anything you may need to start this business, without causing any issues. 

  1. Clear fish from lakes

When a lake or river has too many predators, these predators will need to be cleared to ensure the local economy and environment can continue to thrive. It’s estimated that clearing the lake can never completely remove the unwanted fish, which is why many communities have a call to net the lake to remove these fish.

Clearing fish can be a great way to give back to your local community, earn a bit of cash, and get yourself out on the water for a greater purpose

It can be a good way for you to get out on the water, while giving back to the community at hand. And, turn that love of fishing into cash in hand!

  1. Run a fishing YouTube or TikTok channel

In the world of social media today, you can easily turn your love of fishing into a YouTube or TikTok channel that gives others advice, or just showcases your experience. Some users simply enjoy the “ASMR” benefits of fishing, which makes it super easy for you to turn your fishing hobby into a way of making a bit of money – by having ads on the video (which YouTube does for you!)

  1. Sell your spoils for profit

If you want to make a bit of extra cash from fishing, you can easily sell your catch of the day. But, if you want to go to the next level, fish meal is an excellent source of nutrients for plants. In some parts of the world, drying fish is commonplace and you can easily sell these in your local Facebook group or community for individuals to use in the garden. 

The fact is, retirement really doesn’t have to mean the end, and one of the best ways to ensure the most out of retirement is to stay active with your hobbies and find a sense of purpose. If you’re an avid fishing enthusiast, whether you have a high skill level or not, you can benefit from more than just improved mental and physical health. You can turn your love of fishing into cash in hand and give yourself some bonus income for retirement. 

It’s proof that life doesn’t have to stop after retirement and that, as long as you set your mind to it, you can easily create your own beneficial side hustle in your later years. Explore our full range of articles to learn more creative and easy ways to make money in retirement.